I look forward to hearing from you. Contact me today for a free consultation.

Since the hypnosis I do is more conversational, to help you imagine, visualise.

In the comfort of your own home, you can become deeply relaxed and while you’re aware of everything that’s going on, I just talk about some different ideas, different possibilities. There really isn’t anything that you have to do but what I hope will happen is that as you’re listening to me, you start to get more absorbed in the things that I’m taking about, that it’ll start to open some different possibilities for you, different ways of responding because as it’s not the world that’s going to change. It’s going to be your internal experience, how you respond to these things.

Here is what you will need to make your online hypnosis experience through Skype, or other platforms the most effective:

  • A set of ear buds or headphones will be very helpful to block outside noises and helps you to stay focused and able to concentrate.
  • A phone with a head phone jack or computer and headphone jack depending on which method you are using for communication
  • Make sure you have Skype on your device or you just click on the link I send you for Zoom
  • You will need a quiet space and time when you will be undisturbed for about an hour
  • A way to pay for your session via PayPal or credit card at the end of our session

If you are interested in your free get acquainted session contact me today.