There is a multitude of scientific research on neuroscience and hypnosis. You can research many of them on Google Scholar. Check out some of those studies here.
About Coaching
What is Coaching? The International Coach Federation (ICF) defines coaching as partnering with clients in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires them to maximize their personal and professional potential, which is particularly important in today’s uncertain and complex environment. It is a collaborative, solution focused and result-orientated process facilitated by the coach. Coaches and counsellors are similar because they both create an atmosphere of trust, non judgement and support. They both help you identify what is holding you back and help you identify and create what you want.
About Hypnosis
What is hypnosis? Hypnosis can simply be defined as a state of heightened receptivity in which you’re able to refocus your mind and body for success. It’s an integrative process of rebuilding habits and behaviors, as well as emotions, beliefs, and feelings. Have you ever found yourself completely absorbed in an activity to the exclusion of everything else? That is a natural trance-like state. Common examples of this are while watching a movie or reading a book, and becoming entranced with the story. Or you’ve been driving the car and can’t remember actually driving there. Hypnosis is a naturally occurring state you’ve already experienced thousands of times. It is not manipulation, mind control, or magic. It simply is a tool that will allow you to tap into the power of your mind and take control of your life.
What’s the difference between hypnosis and hypnotherapy? Think of hypnosis as a tool and hypnotherapy as the use of a tool. The definition of hypnotherapy is clear from the word itself. Hypnotherapy is the practice of hypnosis for therapeutic purposes. Rather like Art is used as a way to help people with Art Therapy. This means that as a therapist, I use the tool of hypnosis to deliver a therapeutic message to the non-conscious part of your brain. Think of your brain like a computer system. In the relaxed, hyper-focused state of hypnosis — under the guidance of a hypnotherapist — your computer files can choose to re-wire new neural pathways. And because this is happening direct to the hard drive, the conscious part of your brain can’t interrupt with a ‘yes – but’ reason for it not to work. It drops beneath the rational part of the brain. In Australia, to be called a Hypnotherapist, a practitioner must have completed their training with a Registered Training Organisation which is Government Accredited and uses the AQF (Australian Quality Framework). This means that the qualification is recognised by employers, insurers, associations and other training providers. The American Psychological Association concludes, “Although hypnosis has been controversial, most clinicians now agree it can be a powerful, effective therapeutic technique for a wide range of conditions, including pain, anxiety and mood disorders.” The British Psychological Society commissioned a working group to survey the evidence and write a formal report on hypnotherapy in 2001. They found, “Enough studies have now accumulated to suggest that the inclusion of hypnotic procedures may be beneficial in the management and treatment of a wide range of conditions and problems encountered in the practice of medicine, psychiatry and psychotherapy.” Cutting-edge brain imaging technology now gives us a window into the physical manifestations of hypnotherapy. When they scanned the brains of 57 individuals undergoing hypnosis, Stanford researchers reported that sections of the brain associated with insight and change showed “altered activity and connectivity.”
Will I lose control under hypnosis? No. Hypnosis is a state of mind that requires consent. You will be aware of what I am saying during the session and cannot be made to do against your own morals. You cannot be made to tell secrets while experiencing hypnosis. It’s important to know that although you’re more open to suggestion during hypnosis, you don’t lose control over your behavior.
Are you asleep during hypnosis? No. Hypnosis is actually a heightened state of awareness. The hypnotized subject is cognizant of their surroundings. You will hear cars outside or even voices from the room next door – confirming you are alert and in control the entire time.
What does it feel like to be hypnotised? By definition, hypnosis is NOT a state of relaxation, but as many issues are related to stress or anxiety, we often create a profoundly relaxed state to assist in making the changes. Most people report feeling very relaxed or pleasantly lethargic. Many clients are surprised at how “normal” the experience feels, as many have been conditioned by movies or television to think there is a “magic feeling” that suddenly washes over you. Your mind will be alert and perceptive of the suggestions it is receiving. Your focus will be directly on your experience or the words of the suggestions you are receiving.
How do you use hypnosis?
As a coach I use conversational hypnosis and visualisation to help embed any learnings and help the non-conscious rewire.